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Magnotta Vintoir Sparkling Rose & Sober Strawberries



Magnotta Vintoir Sparkling Rosé, straight from the esteemed winery nestled in Ontario’s picturesque Niagara Peninsula, recently captivated my palate. What sets this delightful wine apart is its distinction as the first non-alcoholic wine crafted in this renowned wine region.

How Does Magnotta Vintoir Sparkling Rose Taste?

As for the taste, I must say, it was quite a treat. Embracing my commitment to a low-carb lifestyle, I savored just enough to fill about three-quarters of a flute glass, roughly 6.3 ounces (188 mL) of this exquisite wine. With 8 net carbs per serving, including a mere 5 grams of sugar, it perfectly fits my criteria of no more than 1.5 carbs per ounce, totaling 1.27 net carbs per ounce.

Upon first sip, the wine’s lovely salmon hue captivated me. Its bouquet evoked memories of candy apples and freshly picked strawberries, stirring nostalgic moments from my childhood summers spent at the Canadian National Exhibition. Despite my limited indulgences in sugary treats, the aroma of candy apples always held a special place in my heart, much like the captivating scent of Vintoir Sparkling Rosé.

Transitioning to its palate, I found myself enchanted by its medium weight and impeccable balance of sweetness and acidity. Each sip unfolded a symphony of flavors, from the luscious essence of ripe strawberries to the zesty notes of lemon and lime. The wine’s gentle effervescence persisted even into the next day, allowing me to savor another glass with a meal. And oh, the lingering finish—truly a rarity among non-alcoholic wines, adding a touch of sophistication to each sip.

Who Produces Magnotta Vintoir Sparkling Rose?

Magnotta Vintoir Sparkling Rose

Vintoir Sparkling Rose is the brainchild of Magnotta Wines. Magnotta Wines is a winery nestled in the heart of Ontario’s largest wine region called The Niagara Peninsula.  Founded by the late Gabe and Rossana Magnotta, it’s a family-owned endeavor rooted in tradition and innovation. With Peter Rotar as their esteemed winemaker, they’ve crafted a portfolio of products consisting of about 180 traditional wines ranging in price.  Magnotta has  garnered a plethora of regional, national and International awards over the years. From rich reds to crisp whites, Magnotta Wines offers a diverse range of traditional varietals and blends to suit every palate and price range. They have also gained a loyal following of daily sippers for their well-built box wines.

I was thrilled to discover that Magnotta has also ventured into the de-alcoholized wine market. Consequently, I bought five of their non-alcoholic wines, all of which boast relatively low carb counts.

Can Your Drink Vintoir Sparkling Rose on a Low-Carb Diet?

Enjoy a glass of Vintoir Sparkling Rose as part of your low-carb lifestyle. This bubbly boasts 8 grams of carbs and 5 grams of sugar per 6.3 ounces (188 mL), roughly ¾ of a flute glass. Its sweetness, partly derived from fructose, is clearly listed on the nutritional label. Including an alcohol-free wine with some fructose can align well with your dietary goals, provided it’s consumed in moderation. My suggestion? Stick to no more than ¾ of a flute glass per meal.  And drink the wine with your meal.

Fructose, a type of sugar, can influence blood sugar levels, particularly when consumed excessively. How much fructose you can handle without notable effects on blood sugar depends on factors like your metabolism, insulin sensitivity, and diet composition. While there’s no precise threshold for the maximum grams of fructose that won’t impact blood sugar, individual tolerances vary. For some, larger amounts are manageable, while others are more sensitive to even small doses.

In your commitment to live a low-carb lifestyle, take a balanced approvach. Enjoy your glass of Vintoir Sparkling Rose alongside your meal. Combining fructose with other macronutrients like protein, fat, and fiber can help mitigate its impact on blood sugar by slowing down digestion and absorption.

Can Your Drink Magnotta Vintoir Sparkling Rose on a Keto Diet?

I would save this wine to enjoy when you’ve completed ketosis and are maintaining a low-carb lifestyle.  The reason is that the wine contains fructose.

Fructose can affect ketosis in a few ways.  It can be converted into glucose in the liver, potentially inhibiting the body’s ability to enter or maintain ketosis. Since the goal of your ketogenic diet is to keep blood sugar and insulin levels low to promote fat burning and ketone production, consuming any fructose may be counterproductive.

Moreover, fructose is metabolized differently from glucose. While glucose is readily used by the body for energy, fructose is primarily metabolized by the liver. Excess fructose can lead to the liver producing more fat, which can be stored in the liver or released into the bloodstream as triglycerides. This can interfere with the liver’s ability to produce ketones efficiently, potentially slowing down the process of entering or maintaining ketosis.

My recommendation is that you wait until you’ve completed ketosis to enjoy this delicious wine.

What Dish Harmonizes with Magnotta Vintoir Sparkling Rose?

Serve strawberries with Magnotta Vinoir Sparkling Rose.

I decided to whip up a snack, light lunch, or dessert using fresh strawberries to pair perfectly with Vintoir Sparkling Rose. Seeking a healthier twist on Drunken Strawberries, I christened the dish ‘Sober Strawberries.’ With the wine’s carb content in mind, I enriched the strawberries with a few additions to bolster their healthfulness and adhere to sound food pairing principles.

Let’s delve into the foundational principles of wine and strawberry pairing. When indulging in any wine with sweetness, it’s vital to ensure the wine surpasses the dish’s sweetness. Why? If the dish proves sweeter, it can mask the wine’s acidity, leaving it tasting akin to paint thinner. Misinterpreting this can lead one to think the wine has dreadful acidity when, in reality, it’s the dish that lacks complementarity.

Using The Building Block Principles to Create Harmony:

To guarantee the wine outshines our Sober Strawberries, I incorporated fresh lime juice into the fruit. The addition of lime juice imbues the strawberries with a tangy twist, allowing the wine’s sweetness to shine. This fosters a delightful interplay between the strawberries and the wine, enabling the wine’s finest attributes to dazzle.

Not only does adding fresh lime juice impart flavor, but it also serves a healthful purpose. Lime juice aids in moderating blood sugar levels in several ways. Its citric acid can lower the overall glycemic index of our Sober Strawberries, leading to a gentler rise in blood sugar levels post-consumption.

Additionally, the acidity slows down carbohydrate digestion, including that of the strawberries’ natural sugars and the wine’s carbs, promoting controlled sugar release into the bloodstream. The tanginess of lime balances the strawberries’ sweetness, potentially curbing cravings for additional sweeteners or sugary fare. Furthermore, lime’s acids may enhance dietary fiber absorption in strawberries, further slowing sugar absorption and supporting glycemic control.

Next, I sprinkled Celtic salt over the strawberries. More flavor dimensions mean a heightened culinary experience. Pairing saltiness with strawberry sweetness and lime tanginess elevates harmony with the wine. The wine’s acidity complements this saltiness, culminating in heightened palate harmony.

Finally, I drizzled quality olive oil over the strawberries. This aligns with both wine pairing and health principles. Quality olive oil contributes pleasant bitterness. So, our Sober Strawberries offer sweetness, saltiness, tanginess, bitterness, and, if ripe, umami. And with both wine and strawberries boasting sweetness, freshly ground black pepper can be added. The wine’s sweetness nicely offsets black pepper’s heat and spice.

By ensuring your strawberries and Vintoir Sparkling Rose resonate with the six taste sensations—sweetness (wine and strawberries), tanginess (lemon juice), saltiness (Celtic salt), fattiness (olive oil), and heat and spice (black pepper)—you’re crafting nothing short of a culinary delight!

Health Benefits of Sober Strawberries:

This delightful partnership also promotes superb health. When you add quality olive oil, fresh lime juice, Celtic salt, and freshly ground black pepper to fresh strawberries, you create a nutritious dish brimming with health benefits. Olive oil provides heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and antioxidants, while lemon juice offers immune-boosting vitamin C. Celtic salt adds essential trace minerals, and black pepper contributes flavor alongside potential digestive perks.

Together, these ingredients enhance strawberry flavor and foster balanced blood sugar levels, making for a satisfying and healthful snack. Moreover, the combination of healthy fats and fiber promotes satiety and supports weight management. Indulging in this flavorful ensemble isn’t just a delicious treat—it’s a nourishing choice for overall well-being.

Drunken Strawberries in the classical recipe is high in added sugars, calories, and saturated fat, contributing to weight gain, blood sugar spikes, and increased risk of chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease. Additionally, the alcohol content in both the strawberries and wine poses risks of liver damage, addiction, and impaired cognitive function with excessive consumption.

In contrast, our healthier alternative, Sober Strawberries, incorporates fresh strawberries enhanced with lemon juice, Celtic salt, and quality olive oil, promoting balanced blood sugar levels and offering essential nutrients. This dish prioritizes healthfulness while still indulging in delicious flavors, making it a nourishing choice for both palate and well-being.

Can You Soak Strawberries In Non-Alc Wine?

Yes, you can soak strawberries in non alcoholic wine to infuse them with flavor and to create a unique dessert experience. This dessert can also serve as a treat or light lunch.

What Non Alcoholic Wine Goes Best With Strawberries?

Light, fruity whites, roses and sparkling wines low in sugar pair well with fresh strawberries, enhancing their natural sweetness without overpowering them.

How Long Should You Soak Strawberries In Wine?

It’s best to soak strawberries in your NA wine for at least 30 minutes to allow them to absorb the flavor, but you can leave them longer for a stronger infusion.   Just keep in mind that you might also be drinking sparkling wine from that same bottle.  If so, you don’t want the wine to lose its effervescence while you’re waiting for the berries to “sober up!”

Do You Need To Refrigerate Strawberries Soaked In Wine?

Yes, it’s recommended to refrigerate strawberries soaked in non alcoholic wine to keep them fresh and to prevent bacterial growth.

Can You Use Any Type Of Wine To Soak Strawberries?

Use any non alcoholic wine you prefer as long as its low in sugar if you’re living a low-carb lifestyle.

How Do You Serve Strawberries Soaked In Wine?

Alongside Sober Strawberries, consider accompanying them with sugar-free fresh whipped cream or clotted cream for a luscious pairing. Alternatively, opt for plain yogurt with minimal sugar content for a lighter option that complements the strawberries beautifully.

Can You Use Frozen Strawberries For Wine Soaking?

Yes, you can use frozen strawberries for soaking in non alcoholic wine, but they may not absorb the flavor as well as fresh strawberries.

Can You Make Strawberries Soaked In Wine Ahead Of Time?

Yes, you can prepare strawberries soaked in NA wine ahead of time and store them in the refrigerator until ready to serve.  This works well if you’re pouring the whole bottle of Magnotta Vinoir Sparkling Rose into the strawberries and serving a second bottle to guests in flute glasses.

What Equipment Do You Need To Prepare This Dish?

For this recipe, you’ll need the following equipment:

  1. Knife: To hull the strawberries and slice the lime.
  2. Cutting Board: To prepare the strawberries and lime.
  3. Serving Bowl: To hold the strawberries and other ingredients.
  4. Measuring Spoons: To accurately measure the olive oil, lime juice, salt, and black pepper.
  5. Citrus Juicer (optional): To extract fresh lime juice if needed.
  6. Pepper Grinder: To freshly grind black pepper.
  7. Refrigerator: To chill the strawberries before serving.
  8. Garnishing Tool (optional): To garnish with fresh basil leaves

What Other Non Alcoholic Blogs Might You Enjoy?

Non Alcoholic Wine Boot Camp: Master Your Palate

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How Do You Prepare Sober Strawberries?

Magnotta Vinoir Sparking Rose

Hull the strawberries. Run strawberries under cool running water. Pat dry. Set strawberries in serving bowl.


Magnotta Vinoir Sparkling Rose

Get ingredients together.


Drizzle strawberries with olive oil. Drizzle strawberries in fresh lime juice. Set slices of lime in the bowl with the strawberries.
Sprinkle fresh strawberries with salt.
Sprinkle fresh strawberries with fresh ground black pepper.


Pour sparkling wine into the bowl until berries are floating.


Serve strawberries with Magnotta Vinoir Sparkling Rose.

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Sober Strawberries

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  • Author: Shari MAC
  • Total Time: 50
  • Yield: 4 1x
  • Diet: Gluten Free


Experience the taste of luxury with Magnotta Vintoir Sparkling Rosé, a low-carb, low-sugar wine crafted in Ontario’s Niagara Peninsula.


Units Scale
  • 2 pounds fresh strawberries
  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil.
  • Juice from 1 lime
  • 1 teaspoon Celtic salt
  • Freshly ground black pepper to taste.
  • 1/2 to 3/4 bottle of sparkling rose wine low in sugar
  • 1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh basil (optional)


  • Hull the strawberries.
  • Run strawberries under cool running water.  Pat dry.
  • Set strawberries in serving bowl.
  • Drizzle strawberries with olive oil.
  • Drizzle strawberries in fresh lime juice. Set slices of lime in the bowl with the strawberries.
  • Sprinkle fresh strawberries with salt.
  • Sprinkle fresh strawberries with fresh ground black pepper.
  • Pour sparkling wine into the bowl until berries are floating.
  • Set strawberries in bowl in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.  Garnish with fresh basil.  Serve chilled.


  • As mentioned, this dessert is best for a low-carb lifestyle.  The net carbs are too high for Keto.  Also, you want to make sure that you enjoy this type of dessert occassionally, due to the sugar.
  • The recipe is based on the keto version and is approximate only.  One serving has 20 grams of net carbs.
  • (Note: The nutritional information provided is a courtesy and is approximate only.  We cannot guarantee the nutritional accuracy of any recipe on this site.  We cannot know what brands you use or how accurately you follow the recipe or what you like to add creatively to the dish. Use the information as a general guideline only.)
  • Prep Time: 20
  • Category: Low-Carb
  • Method: Prepping
  • Cuisine: Dessert


  • Serving Size: 1
  • Calories: 175
  • Sugar: 12.5
  • Sodium: 58.75
  • Fat: 7
  • Saturated Fat: 1
  • Unsaturated Fat: 6
  • Trans Fat: 0
  • Carbohydrates: 22.5
  • Fiber: 5
  • Protein: 1.25
  • Cholesterol: 0

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