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Keto Kohlrabi Fries

I wanted to try, for the first time, Keto Kohlrabi fries.  I have to say, these fries are delicious.  Of course nothing replaces traditional fries made from potatoes.  But Keto Kohlrabi Fries certainly to satisfy that craving. Kohlrabi was not a vegetable that my mother prepared for us while growing up.  My mom cooked more conventional vegetables like turnip. But I’ve grown to like this unique and versatile vegetable. Kohlrabi belongs to the Brassicaceae family, which also includes vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower.

The scientific name for kohlrabi is Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes. It is a cool-season vegetable and grown in various parts of the world with temperate climates. However, Kohlrabi is now grown in many other regions globally, such as Asia, North America, Africa and South America. The plant is known for its bulbous stem, which is the edible part.


Try Kohlrabi Salad after you've enjoyed Keto Kohlrabi Fries

Kohlrabi Salad

Kohlrabi, with its low carbohydrate content and high fiber, is an ideal addition to a keto diet, offering versatility and flavor in various recipes beyond the classic Kohlrabi Fries.

Here’s a roundup of ten delectable keto-friendly kohlrabi recipes to ignite your culinary creativity.

  • Start by sautéing onions and garlic in butter, then add diced kohlrabi and cauliflower florets. Simmer with vegetable or chicken broth until tender, blend until smooth, and finish with almond milk, thyme, salt, and pepper for a creamy, nutritious soup. Slice kohlrabi into thin strips, toss with olive oil, salt, spices, and grated cheese, then bake until crispy for a flavorful twist on traditional fries.
  • Shred kohlrabi and combine it with cabbage, carrots, and a tangy dressing for a refreshing and crunchy slaw. Sauté diced kohlrabi with bacon, onions, and garlic until golden and aromatic, creating a hearty and satisfying side dish.
  • Spiralize kohlrabi into noodle-like strands and stir-fry with your choice of protein and vegetables for a low-carb alternative to traditional noodles.
  • Thinly slice kohlrabi, coat with olive oil and seasonings, then bake until crispy for a guilt-free snack reminiscent of potato chips.
  • Cook sliced kohlrabi with your favorite sausages and herbs in a skillet for a flavorful and easy one-pan meal.
  • Layer sliced kohlrabi with cheese and bake until bubbly and golden for a comforting and cheesy dish perfect for cozy evenings. Mix cooked and shredded chicken with diced kohlrabi, mayonnaise, and herbs for a protein-packed and refreshing salad option.
  • Grate kohlrabi, combine with eggs and cheese, then bake into a crispy and keto-friendly pizza crust, allowing you to indulge in your favorite comfort food without the guilt. Lastly, toss diced kohlrabi with creamy avocado, juicy cherry tomatoes, and a zesty dressing for a light and vibrant salad bursting with flavor.


Fresh and sliced Kohlrabi

Besides its delicious taste, kohlrabi offers several health benefits. This vegetable is low in calories and packed with essential nutrients, including fiber, vitamin C, potassium, and antioxidants. The nutritional profile of kohlrabi makes it a great addition to a balanced diet.

Some of the potential health benefits of consuming kohlrabi include:

  • Improved digestion and gut health due to its high fiber content.
  • Boosted immune system and collagen production with its vitamin C content.
  • Regulated blood pressure and heart health through its potassium content.
  • Reduced inflammation and oxidative stress with its antioxidant properties.
  • Support for healthy weight management due to its low calorie and high fiber content.


Keto Kohlrabi Soup

Keto Kohlrabi Soup

There are numerous cooking methods to explore when it comes to preparing kohlrabi while maintaining its nutritional benefits. Steaming is a gentle approach that preserves the vegetable’s nutrients; simply steam until tender yet still crisp to the bite. Roasting is another excellent option, enhancing kohlrabi’s natural sweetness as it caramelizes under the oven’s heat after being tossed with a touch of olive oil. For a smoky flavor, grilling kohlrabi rounds or wedges brushed with olive oil adds depth to its taste profile.

Sautéing kohlrabi in oil or butter provides a quick and flavorful outcome, especially when paired with aromatic herbs and spices. Stir-frying is equally convenient, allowing kohlrabi to retain its nutrients while mingling with other vegetables and proteins. Raw kohlrabi shines in salads, lending its crunchy texture and mild flavor to a refreshing dish packed with nutrients.

For those looking for preservation methods, pickling offers a tangy twist to kohlrabi, maintaining its crispness while infusing it with flavor. Mashing kohlrabi akin to potatoes, boiling or steaming before blending with butter or olive oil, keeps its nutritional content intact. Adding kohlrabi to soups, stews, or baked casseroles ensures its nutrients are infused into the dish, providing both flavor and health benefits.

Remember, the key to preserving kohlrabi’s nutrients lies in minimal cooking time and minimal water usage, along with retaining its skin whenever possible post-thorough washing.


Kohlrabi Slaw

Kohlrabi is versatile and offers various culinary options. Enjoy it raw, sliced or grated, for a crisp texture in salads or as a snack. Roasting kohlrabi cubes in the oven with olive oil, salt, and seasonings results in tender, caramelized bites.

Steaming kohlrabi preserves its crunch while making it tender. Sauté sliced kohlrabi in oil or butter until golden and slightly caramelized for added sweetness. Grilling kohlrabi slices gives them a smoky flavor and beautiful char marks.

With these methods, explore kohlrabi’s versatility and incorporate it into your favorite dishes effortlessly.


Kohlrabi Casserole as an alternative to Keto Kohlrabi Fries.

Kohlrabi Casserole

Kohlrabi is a versatile vegetable that can effectively substitute for other vegetables in a range of dishes. For instance, it can replace potatoes in recipes like mashed kohlrabi or kohlrabi fries, offering a lower-carb alternative while maintaining a satisfying texture.

Additionally, its mild flavor makes it an ideal replacement for cabbage in coleslaw or sauerkraut, providing a similar crunchy texture without overpowering the dish. Furthermore, the stem of kohlrabi resembles broccoli stems in taste and texture, making it suitable for dishes such as stir-fries or vegetable medleys.

In recipes calling for turnips or radishes, kohlrabi can be used as a substitute, offering a similar texture and flavor profile. Moreover, when potatoes or celery root (celeriac) are called for in soups or stews, kohlrabi can step in to provide a hearty texture and creamy consistency without the higher carbohydrate content. Overall, kohlrabi serves as a nutritious and low-carb alternative to various vegetables, enhancing the versatility and health benefits of your culinary creations.


Keto Kohlrabi Fries

Keto Kohlrabi Fries

In Keto Kohlrabi Fries, the dominant flavor profile includes a gentle sweetness and a satisfying crunch. Slicing the kohlrabi into thin strips or wedges and then either baking or frying them until they’re golden brown results in a deliciously sweet taste as their natural sugars caramelize during cooking. The overall flavor is enhanced by the vegetable’s inherent mildness, accompanied by a subtle Brassica essence reminiscent of other cruciferous veggies like cabbage and broccoli. Furthermore, there are often subtle nutty hints, especially when the kohlrabi is roasted. The versatility of kohlrabi fries opens up opportunities to experiment with different seasonings, herbs, and dipping sauces, providing a customizable and delightful twist on traditional potato fries.


Wine with Keto Kohlrabi Fries

The predominant taste sensation of Keto Kohlrabi Fries is subtle sweetness. And take its dipping sauce into consideration.  Like traditional French fries with ketchup or mayo.  Rarely do we eat fries by themselves.  Keto Kohlrabi fries do taste great when sprinkled with only salt.  The salty taste is the main taste sensation of this dish. Choose a non alcoholic wine, preferably white wine with good acidity to nicely offset that saltiness.  The flavor will remind you of salt and vinegar chips. Zero alcohol wines to chose from include white blends, Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Grigio, Pinot Gris, bone dry Riesling.

If the dipping sauce contains any kind of heat, choose a sweet, white wine. The sweet wine will offset the heat and spice.  Since we don’t drink off-dry wines, we need other options.  In following a Keto diet or in living a low-carb lifestyle, we don’t want to use up our carbs on a glass of wine.

You have a couple of options: Drink whatever wine you like (as long as it’s bone dry) and don’t worry about pairing the wine to dish. Enjoy your wine the way you like it. If you like to create harmony between the wine and the food, you’ll need a sweet wine to offset the heat and spice.  Add a pinch of monk fruit sweetener to your glass of wine.  Choose a white blend or a varietal like Riesling or Gewurztraminer or a pink rose. These varieties taste great when bone dry or sweet.  So they taste great with the added sweetener.  Just a pinch.  The wine’s sweetness will nicely offset the heat and spice.

Zero Alcohol Wine Tips: 

Alcohol and Ketosis:

To support your Keto diet or low-carb lifestyle, choose quality, non-alcoholic wines that are low-carb and low sugar. Alcohol does not support a keto diet or low-carb lifestyle. Your liver processes alcohol before nutrients, pausing ketone creation and slowing the ketosis process. Your body will also metabolize alcohol as fuel before using food. This can slow fat burning and may cause your body to store carbs, fat, and protein as excess body fat. Alcohol consumption also stimulates the appetite. This can cause you to eat more.

Alcohol and Health:

Did you know that when you drink alcohol, your liver has to work extra hard to break it down? This can cause damage to your liver and increase your risk of health problems like inflammation and cancer, especially if you drink a lot. Plus, alcohol can mess with your blood sugar levels, leave you feeling dehydrated, and throw off your body’s normal functions.  

Non-Alcoholic Wine and Health Benefits:

Non alcoholic wine with few carbs and little sugar are great for your health. They help you manage your weight, control your blood sugar, and keep you hydrated. Plus, they have important nutrients and antioxidants from grapes that can lower your risk of health problems like heart disease. And, since they don’t have alcohol, they’re perfect for socializing without any negative effects, which can help you feel happier and less stressed.


Creating crispy Keto Kohlrabi Fries requires attention to detail and a few cooking techniques. Cut the kohlrabi into uniform-sized pieces to ensure even cooking, allowing all the fries to become crispy at the same rate. Wash the fries under ice-cold water, as it makes them more crispy. Pat the kohlrabi strips or wedges dry with a paper towel. Or use a clean kitchen towel before seasoning them, removing excess moisture to help achieve crispiness.

Coat the kohlrabi evenly with a thin layer of oil, preferably olive oil, for roasting and added flavor. Season the kohlrabi fries with your favorite spices, such as a combination of garlic powder, paprika, salt, and pepper, or experiment with other keto-friendly seasonings. Spread the kohlrabi fries in a single layer on a baking sheet to prevent crowding, which can lead to uneven cooking and less crispy results.

Preheat your oven to ensure it’s hot enough for better caramelization and crispiness. Turn the kohlrabi fries halfway through the cooking time to ensure they crisp up on all sides. Line your baking sheet with parchment paper or a Silpat mat to prevent sticking and aid in easy removal, preserving the fries’ shape. Keep a close eye on the fries towards the end of the cooking time to prevent burning, as oven temperatures can vary. Allow the kohlrabi fries to rest for a few minutes after baking to firm up and achieve maximum crispiness.


Equipment needed:


Preheat your oven to 425°F (220°C) or the air-fryer. Peel Kohlrabi


Slice Kohrabi into 1/4-inch slices similiar to making traditional potato fries.


Wash Kohrabi wedges in ice cold water to make fries crisp.


Drying fries to make crispy Keto Kohlrabi Fries.

Using a paper towl or kitchen towel, dry fries. Make sure that they have no dampness left.


Set raw fries back in a clean, dry bowl to make Keto Kohlrabi fries crispy.

Set fries back in a clean, dry bowl to ensure resulting Keto Kohlrabi Fries are crispy.


Drizzle in olive oil to make Keto Kohlrabi Fries.

Drizzle fries with olive oil.


Season raw fries to make delicious Keto Kohlrabi Fries.

Season raw fries with garlic powder, paprika, salt, and black pepper. Ensure the kohlrabi is evenly coated with the seasoning.


Setting raw Kohlrabi fries on air-fryer basket for crispy Keto Kohlrabi fries.

Set fries on baking tray lined with parchment for oven or on air-fryer basket sprayed with avocado oil. Air-fry for 10 to 12 minutes or bake for 20-25 minutes, or until the kohlrabi fries are golden brown and crispy. Flip them halfway through the baking time to ensure even cooking.


Enjoying Keto Kohlrabi Fries

If desired, sprinkle the baked kohlrabi fries with grated Parmesan cheese during the last few minutes of baking, allowing it to melt and become slightly crispy.Remove the kohlrabi fries from the oven and let them cool for a minute. Serve them warm with your favorite low-carb dipping sauce, such as a garlic aioli or ranch dressing.

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Keto Kohlrabi Fries


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  • Author: Shari MAC
  • Total Time: 30
  • Yield: 4 Servings 1x
  • Diet: Gluten Free


Looking for something new to satisfy your cravings? Try Keto Kohlrabi Fries. Discover this vegetable today!


  • 2 medium-sized kohlrabi
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon paprika
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
  • Optional: grated Parmesan cheese for topping


  • Preheat the Air-Fryer or Oven.
  • Peel the kohlrabi and cut them into thin strips or wedges, similar to the size of traditional fries.
  • In a large bowl, toss the kohlrabi strips with olive oil, garlic powder, paprika, salt, and black pepper. Ensure the kohlrabi is evenly coated with the seasoning.
  • Spread the seasoned kohlrabi fries on an air-fryer tray in a single layer on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. This helps them cook evenly and become crispy.
  • Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven and bake for 20-25 minutes, or until the kohlrabi fries are golden brown and crispy. Flip them halfway through the baking time to ensure even cooking.
  • If desired, sprinkle the baked kohlrabi fries with grated Parmesan cheese during the last few minutes of baking, allowing it to melt and become slightly crispy.Remove the kohlrabi fries from the oven and let them cool for a minute. Serve them warm with your favorite low-carb dipping sauce, such as a garlic aioli or ranch dressing.


  • One serving of Keto Kohlrabi fries is 1.55 net carbs. This serving also contains 5 grams of natural sugars. The calculation includes the fries and fat, but not the seasonings as this will always be different and in different amounts.
  • The nutritional information provided is a courtesy and is approximate only.  We cannot guarantee the nutritional accuracy of any recipe on this site.  We cannot know what brands you use or how accurately you follow the recipe or what you like to add creatively to the dish. Use the information as a general guideline only.)
  • The calcuations are based on Bulkbarn’s Unflavoried 90% Whey Protein Isolate, Compliment’s Cocoa Powder (only available in Canada), Magic Baking Powder.
  • Prep Time: 10
  • Cook Time: 20
  • Category: KETO LOW-CARB
  • Method: BAKING
  • Cuisine: SIDE DISH


  • Serving Size: 1
  • Calories: 90
  • Sugar: 0
  • Sodium: 0
  • Fat: 7
  • Saturated Fat: 1
  • Unsaturated Fat: 6
  • Trans Fat: 0
  • Carbohydrates: 7
  • Fiber: 2
  • Protein: 1
  • Cholesterol: 0

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